Syntax Coloring |
12K | Irv Mullins |
Apr 24/04 |
6.25 |
A .xml file which adds coloration for both Euphoria and EuGTK 2
syntax to the Linux Kate and Kwrite editors. Installation instructions
are at the top of the file. Apr 24: H.W. Overman added code-folding
to the editor. This is a great addition.
| |
Graphics Engine for Linux |
95K | Bernie Ryan |
Dec 20/00 |
5.00 |
A set of include files for doing graphics on Linux.
It lets you write graphics programs on Linux using the same
routines that are available in Euphoria for DOS. You can also access
other SVGAlib
graphics routines. Dec 20: bugs fixed, demo added
| |
EE for Linux |
95K | Irv Mullins |
Oct 25/03 |
3.50 |
He polished up David Cuny's EE editor. It now runs quite well on
Linux. Use unzip on Linux, so you don't lose the lower-case
file names. Oct 25: To enable DOS-style line drawing characters,
you may need to add: echo -e "\\033(U" to your .bash_profile
| |
Debian package of the Public Domain version of Euphoria |
1104K | Alexander Toresson |
Jan 3/06 |
3.00 |
This is a debian package of the public domain version of Euphoria.
It installs the files in sane locations and adds wrappers for
setting environment variables. How to install: dpkg -i euphoria-pd_2.5-1_i386.deb
How to find out where it put its files: dpkg -L euphoria-pd How
to uninstall: apt-get remove euphoria-pd
| |
Euphoria 2.4 for Sharp Zaurus PDA |
551K | Mark Brown |
Apr 7/05 |
3.00 |
The Euphoria 2.4 interpreter, compiled for the Sharp Zaurus PDA
(specifically, the 'Japan only' model SLC-700/760/860, running
'pdaXrom' linux.). Includes the standard include files, demo programs
etc. Apr 7: New Version 2.4.2 adds support for calling shared
library functions.
| |
Shared Memory Library |
5K | Elliott Sales de Andrade |
Nov 21/02 |
3.00 |
A port of the Windows memory sharing library by Steele/Mirwald
to Linux. One of the demos requires Irv's GTK library.
| |
GTK Library |
24K | David Cuny |
Sep 7/99 |
1.85 |
He is exploring the use of GTK+ (Gimp toolkit library)
as a base for porting Win32Lib and Llama.
He has a few simple demos working already.
You'll need GTK on your Linux system. He also has .dll
files (not included) that make it work under WIN32.
Use: unzip gtklib.zip on Linux to get lower case names.
Sep 7: demos 1-10, font support, color line graphics, menus,
basic widgets
| |
ncurses for Euphoria |
21K | Chris Burch |
Jan 26/06 |
1.00 |
ncurses wrapped for Euphoria, updated as much as possible, work
in progress, will follow as closely as possible the C library.
| |
LLama/GTK Enhancements |
433K | J. Brown |
Sep 24/02 |
1.00 |
He's breathing life into David Cuny's
old Llama project. It works under Linux, FreeBSD (theoretically),
and Win32 (incomplete). Sep 24: more Win32Lib compatible, includes
documentation for Win32Lib and GTK (for use by co-developers), and has
changed goals from being a clone of Win32Lib for Linux, to a
Win32Lib-like cross-platform widget library.
| |
Euphoria CGI Setup |
59K | Irv Mullins |
Feb 12/01 |
1.00 |
A tutorial package that shows how to set up a Linux system
for CGI using Euphoria. Feb 12: added server-side includes
| |
Simple Text-Mode User Interface |
5K | Irv Mullins |
Oct 28/03 |
0.50 |
He ported his user interface code to Linux. Use: tar -xvz -f demo.tar.gz
Oct 28: Moved blinking cursor out of the way, improved line-drawing
character set.
| |
Call Euphoria Routines on Another Machine |
8K | Pete Eberlein |
Feb 18/00 |
0.30 |
A library that allows dynamic calls to Euphoria routines
(call_func/call_proc) over sockets in Linux.
A server program can make its routines available for
client programs to call. He has included a simple
messageboard client and server program. Feb 18: now allows
multiple simultaneous connections to the server. A sample program
for a MUD is included.
| |
SVGA Graphics in Linux |
42K | Pete Eberlein |
Aug 8/99 |
0.14 |
He's experimenting with svgalib on Linux.
You need to run this as root. Let Pete know how it works
on your system. The demos should also run on DOS32.
Use tar -xvz -f ray.tar
| |
Euphoria 4.0 tip binaries for Linux/32 |
2578K | Shawn Pringle |
updated Mar 9/16 |
Linux/32 binaries for the tip of the Euphoria 4.0 branch. Mar 9: * includes
test report
| |
All-in-One 64-bit OpenEuphoria 4.1 for beginners |
22343K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Aug 28/15 |
All-in-One package with OpenEuphoria 4.1 and wxEuphoria (include
file and libraries only, no demo) for 64-bit Debian-based Linux
systems. An executable installs needed packages and sets environment
variables. Target directory can be specified for OpenEuphoria.
| |
All-in-One 32-bit OpenEuphoria 4.1 for beginners |
16152K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Aug 27/15 |
All-in-One package with OpenEuphoria 4.1 and wxEuphoria for 32-bit
Debian-based Linux systems. An executable installs needed packages
and sets environmemnt variables. Target directory can be specified
for OpenEuphoria.
| |
Check User and Password |
2K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Sep 24/12 |
Check existence of a Linux user account and verify shadow password
using execCommand(). Needs to be run as root to access /etc/shadow.
For Euphoria 4 and up.
| |
execCommand |
1K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Sep 24/12 |
Launch a Linux command and get the result with pipes. For Euphoria
4 and up.
| |
euXosd: Wrapper for the XOSD on-screen display library |
148K | Ira Hill |
Jan 2/12 |
This wrapper exposes the routines in the libXosd library for use
in Euphoria to display text directly on-screen. Source code is
provided along with an example demo.
| |
Qt to Euphoria Gtk |
3K | ninoid |
Apr 21/10 |
Use Qt3/4 Designer (part of KDE Linux distributions) for visual
create GTK Library Euphoria source file. This is v0.8 beta.
| |
Netscan |
2K | irv mullins |
Mar 19/10 |
Simple EuGTK program to display your computer's network address
and look for other computers on your lan. See link for photo.
| |
Causes of Health Problems |
154K | Jerry Story |
Mar 7/10 |
A program that figures out causes (in terms of life style) of health
problems. Mar 7: Change of website.
| |
linux serial communication library |
14K | jacques deschênes |
Jun 21/09 |
Update to serial.e library. Also added a serial.html help file.
Contains a gps logger program as a demo.
| |
japi for linux tested and ready samples |
1078K | Carlos Valdes |
Jan 30/09 |
He merged the japi contributions from Alban Read and Merten Joost
and took the images from www.japi.de (where you will find everything
included here), tested everything under ubuntu, corrected one
single bug. Modified japi.e to work with the japi.so library.
Just unpack anywhere under linux. If you have euphoria installed
and working, you can run every example.... Works great!
| |
japi for windows tested and ready |
1125K | Carlos Valdes |
Jan 30/09 |
To test compatibility with linux, he downloaded the same examples
from www.japi.de for windows, tested everything, corrected same
bug as in linux, changed names to *.exw... just unzip and run...
for complete documentation visit www.japi.de... Works great, too!
and gives total windows-linux portability...
| |
EuGTK Demos |
206K | irv mullins |
Mar 10/08 |
Updated to work with new version of EuGTK
| |
Eu Assistant |
41K | Jesse Adkins |
Mar 9/07 |
A set of simple shells and a library, combined with a script to
allow easy installation of Euphoria. Works with any version of
Euphoria, and is extremely simple to use. Mar 9: New improved
readme file, added a changelog, put everything as one line of
code. All files set to rwxrwxrwx at start.
| |
OSX (Intel) speech synthesizer library |
1668K | alban read |
Nov 13/06 |
This library provides access from Euphoria to the speech synthesizer
on OSX. Source code, an example and a compiled file is included.
To run this please unzip the file and open a Terminal.
| |
80K | Bernie Ryan |
Feb 16/06 |
XMOTOR.ZIP is a library that allows the user to use Euphoria to
write X-Windows, XT ( Intrinsic Toolkit ), Athena, and Motif programs.
Motor can also be used for MS-Windows programming. See WMOTOR.ZIP
Feb 16: description changed.
| |
Use STDIN and STDOUT on Linux |
2K | Matt Lewis |
Feb 8/06 |
Overrides Euphoria builtin I/O to allow easy use of STDIN and STDOUT
under Linux, avoiding ncurses.
| |
Euphoria SVG Icons |
228K | Alexander Toresson |
Mar 19/05 |
This archive contains some good-looking Euphoria SVG icons that
he created. Mar 19: added new windows icons, *.err icons, icons
with low saturation and png versions of all icons
| |
Fax Manager |
16K | Chris Burch |
Aug 25/04 |
Tired of junk faxes? Use Linux? Can't work out how to use Hylafax?
Here's a program to receive and view faxes before they are printed,
or if you know who they are from, automatically print or junk
them. Runs in user space. Guide on how to set up mgetty enclosed.
Needs a modem. Requires eugtk1.2
| |
Encrypt / Decrypt |
3K | irv mullins |
Jul 6/04 |
Two small EuGTK programs which provide a GUI interface to rccrypt,
which encodes them using an rc5 128 bit cipher.
| |
devdsp |
7K | Michael J. Sabal |
Jun 25/04 |
A set of routines to manage the /dev/dsp device in Linux. Record
and play raw audio data, gather audio device statistics, and set
the sample rate. NOTE: KDE users must use this library prior to
starting KDE. Once ARTS (KDE sound manager) is activated, only
a reboot will release the audio device.
| |
Holistic Encryption |
3K | Peter Blue |
Mar 9/04 |
This encryption system works by joining one or more chunks of data
into a continuous stream and then randomly 'scattering' all the
bytes in that stream according to a pre-defined key sequence.
The key can be any length. Additional layers of encryption can
be applied. A simple XOR system is used here. He has no idea how
hard this system would be to crack. Perhaps someone can try. It
was developed on Linux but should be easy to port to DOS, Windows
or FreeBSD.
| |
Linux console utilities |
302K | Chris Burch |
Feb 4/04 |
Three console utilities for Linux. See readme. Frontends for setdate,
crontab, and lpr (note this is not CUPS, but the 'old' style lpr).
Uses strtok 1.2, Fdialogs (derived from Irv's dialogs.e), and
filelib and pipelib by J Fielding. In tar.gz format, so should
preserve file attributes. .exe's are Linux executables.
| |
Doomsday Perpetual Calendar |
2K | Irv Mullins |
Oct 25/03 |
A calendar for the years 1497 to 2500. It uses Irv's GraphApp library.
Oct 25: GraphApp is no longer supported, but the calendar generating
code may be useful.
| |
SDL_Wrap for Linux |
309K | Mark Akita |
Apr 9/03 |
His SDL wrapper graphics library for Linux, plus some demos that
use the library. See also his Windows SDL library.
| |
Demo Runner for GTK Library |
2K | Chris Burch |
Nov 26/02 |
A small program that lets you run the demo programs
in Irv Mullins' GTK package.
| |
CGI On-line Phone Book |
6K | Andy Cranston |
Jun 25/02 |
A Euphoria CGI program that runs on a Web server and
displays an on-line searchable phone book.
| |
Sockets Demo |
2K | Irv Mullins |
Jun 4/02 |
A Linux sockets demo which downloads an HTML page
from a server, and optionally saves it to a disk file.
| |
Pipe I/O |
2K | J. Brown |
Apr 1/02 |
Support for performing pipe I/O with Euphoria for Linux.
| |
Vowel Play |
5K | Russell K. Davis |
Mar 9/01 |
A small music player for linux. It uses libao
for audio output.
| |
File Commands |
1K | Ted Fines |
Feb 16/01 |
Perform mv, cp and rm commands
without opening a shell. The cp function relies on Jeff Fielding's File
and Pipe Libraries.
| |
Editor Syntax Files |
10K | Ken Rhodes |
Feb 4/01 |
Files that enable syntax highlighting in the Moonshine
editor, plus files that support Irv Mullin's Graphapp Library, David Cuny's
GTK+ library and Mike Nelson's Object Euphoria.
| |
Pebbles Games for DOS and Linux |
24K | Benjamin Fitch |
Jan 10/01 |
Two games that use the mouse. They work in DOS
or Linux.
| |
Unzip Utility |
1K | Ken Rhodes |
Nov 20/00 |
A small program for unzipping into a directory and
setting the filenames to lower case.
| |
graphics.e for Linux |
6K | Mike Sabal |
Sep 9/00 |
A pixel graphics library for Linux
that's compatible with graphics.e for DOS32.
Sep 9: support for floodfill, ellipse, and polygon.
You can use this library in Linux and DOS32, and it should provide
100% compatibility.
| |
Web Server and Client |
28K | Pete Eberlein |
Mar 1/00 |
A server that will send html, text, images, and binary
files to the world, and a
client that can download files from the Web. Both written in Euphoria.
| |
File and Pipe Libraries |
2K | Jeff Fielding |
Feb 22/00 |
Libraries for accessing C file and pipe I/O in Linux.
| |
Experimental Thread Library |
20K | Jeff Fielding |
Feb 20/00 |
An experiment with multiple threads
of execution in Euphoria, using a Linux threads C library.
This is highly experimental as Euphoria was not designed to
support multiple threads at this level. (tar -xv -f ethreads.tar)
Feb 20: documentation updated
| |
Multi-player Word Game Using Sockets |
4K | Irv Mullins |
Feb 15/00 |
A simple word game that demonstrates the use of Pete Eberlein's
Remote Dynamic Calls package.
| |
Routines for SVGALib |
5K | Marcos Donnantuoni |
Feb 6/00 |
A library that accesses SVGALib on Linux.
He included a small game as a demo. You'll have to run
as root, and possibly configure your system a bit for SVGALib.
| |
GTK Wrapper Declarations |
85K | David Cuny |
Sep 7/99 |
He is exploring the use of GTK+ (Gimp toolkit library).
Here is a large
include file that declares Euphoria "wrapper" routines for
the GTK library routines.
| |
Simple Chess Program |
11K | Normand Blais |
Aug 1/99 |
His original non-GUI version of
TSCP ported to Linux. Decompress with tar -xvz -f simple.tar
| |