java application programming interface v 2.0.0 |
1411K | Charles Newbould |
Feb 26/18 |
Want to write GUIs in Euphoria? Nothing is simpler than JAPI. JAPI2
uses Java Swing but you code it in Euphoria. Connect to JAPI,
define your widgets, write an event loop, and you have your app!
JAPI has a variable-level debugging feature to aid program development.
This distro comes with lots of examples.
| |
lib2 v1.20 for Euphoria 3.1.1 |
1578K | Shian Lee |
updated Feb 25/18 |
lib2 is an extended library for Euphoria 3.1.1. It includes Machine2
1.08, String 1.01, Math 1.00, Datetime 1.20, Random 1.00, Utf8
2.02, Matheval.e 1.00, Japi.e 1.00 for GUI programming, and more.
It is an original code with more then 150 elementary routines
for any platform. It includes standard user manual for each library,
Edu ASCII/UTF-8 editor 2.25 with syntax coloring and context sensitive
help for lib2, and also an Install program. Feb 25: EDU 2.25:
bug fix, Ctrl-K instead of Ctrl-H. Japi 1.00, a New GUI library
for WIN32 and Linux.
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for Linux |
1689K | James Cook |
updated Feb 12/18 |
Euphoria v3.1.1 GCC compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (exu, ecu non-compressed with translated C source code)
Freeware Feb 12: changed link
| |
binaries for Apple OSX v4.0.5 |
6902K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Binaries for Apple OSX Intel processor, "Snow Leopard", compiled
"euphoria-OSX-4.0.5-src" using OpenEuphoria's v4.0.0 Final for
OSX. Freeware. Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled |
1953K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v3.1.1 Watcom compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (ecw.exe, exw.exe, exwc.exe non-compressed with translated
C source code) Freeware. Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for v4.0.5 |
7876K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v4.0.5 Watcom compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (euc.exe, eui.exe, euiw.exe non-compressed with translated
C source code) Freeware. See also OpenEuphoria.org Feb 3: changed
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for v4.0.5 Linux |
5753K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v4.0.5 GCC compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (eui, euc non-compressed with translated C source code)
Freeware. See also OpenEuphoria.org Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for v4.1.0--32 bit |
8561K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v4.1.0 gcc.exe compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (euc.exe, eui.exe, euiw.exe non-compressed with translated
C source code) Freeware. See also OpenEuphoria.org and StrawberryPerl.com
(gcc.exe) Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for v4.1.0--32 bit |
5911K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v4.1.0 GCC compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (exu, euc non-compressed with translated C source code)
Freeware. See also OpenEuphoria.org Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for v4.1.0--64 bit |
9854K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v4.1.0 gcc.exe compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (euc.exe, eui.exe, euiw.exe non-compressed with translated
C source code) Freeware. See also OpenEuphoria.org and StrawberryPerl.com
(gcc.exe) Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu.ex and ec.ex compiled for v4.1.0--64 bit |
6056K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Euphoria v4.1.0 GCC compiled bins from source directory's eu.ex
and ec.ex (exu, euc non-compressed with translated C source code)
Freeware. See also OpenEuphoria.org Feb 3: changed link
| |
eu_number |
29K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
Bignum math as sequences of digits with exponents. Does addition,
multiplication, subtraction, multiplicative inverse (1/x), division,
exp, log, trig, convert_exp. Defaults to length equals 100 for
speed, (can be 1000s with base 10), max_radix = 0x800000. Keep
in mind to check the exponent and the number. Feb 3: changed
| |
euwrap |
5976K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
A system to use Euphoria functions stored in dlls (compiled with
euc or ecw) to be called from another computer programming language,
such as C, by opening a dll. Data can be exchanged using Linked
lists. Most Euphoria functions are wrapped. Includes binaries,
demos, and source. Look for euwrap.zip Freeware license. Feb 3: changed
| |
myquadmath |
853K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
equadmath for Windows/Ubuntu 64-bit. Does addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and quadmath functions in both __float128
and __complex128. Requires Euphoria 4.1 for Windows/Linux 64-bit
for myquadmath.e, and 64-bit gcc for myquadmath.h Passes pointers
to float128 numbers. Contains working 64-bit dll/so's and exe/out's.
Feb 3: changed link
| |
myquadmath |
853K | James Cook |
updated Feb 3/18 |
equadmath for Windows 64-bit. Does addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and quadmath functions in both __float128 and __complex128.
Requires Euphoria 4.1 for Windows 64-bit for myquadmath.e, and
win-builds.org 64-bit gcc for myquadmath.h Passes pointers to
float128 numbers. Contains working 64-bit dll's and exe's. Feb 3: changed
| |
ED.EX: edm with named macros UPDATE |
45K | James Cook |
updated Jan 26/18 |
UPDATE: Now has international keys. ED.EX from Euphoria v4.0.5 modified
for recordable macros. Unlimited named macros. Use option 'n'
to input names for macros. -- ESC, j, n -- accesses the macro
menu, view/record/stop-record/select-current-macro from the macro
menu, F12 plays the current macro. Be careful to save your work,
and use -- ESC, m -- to compare changes. example: ESCAPE,'f',CR,ARROW_RIGHT,BS,'e'
Jan 26: updated url
| |
mygmp_dll |
1422K | James Cook |
updated Jan 24/18 |
GMP (gnu multiple precision library) for Euphoria, as a wrapper
to libmygmp.dll, This allows access to most GMP.H functions on
Windows. (The source can be modified to compile for other operating
systems and other programming languages.) Jan 24: Updated url
| |
utf8.e (v2.02) |
18K | Shian Lee |
updated Jan 18/18 |
utf8.e includes routines for Unicode and UTF-8 encoding, cp437 and
cp1252 mapping to Unicode, constants of binary representation,
and demo programs. Especially useful for Linux terminal (but not
only). Includes standard user manual. (See also lib2 for latest
updates). Jan 18: utf8() accepts object. UTF8_REP/UNICODE_REP
are global.
| |
Learn to type v1.50 - for Euphoria 3.1.1 |
5K | Shian Lee |
updated Jan 11/18 |
Simple program (his first Euphoria program) that will teach you
how to type on the keyboard. Works on any platform. Jan 11: Linux
platform is now supported.
| |
Eu3 Standard Library |
3841K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Jan 5/18 |
A set of libraries for Eu3, documented and tested. Complete rewrite.
Now all DLLs/libraries are wrapped the same way in two locations:
lib/_w32routines_.e (Win32) and lib/_external_.e (Linux and multi-platform),
either his or third party libraries. - v1.1.0 - CURL REST client,
HTML index, bug corrections
| |
Eu4 Standard Library |
3358K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Jan 5/18 |
A set of libraries for Eu4, documented and tested. Complete rewrite.
Now all DLLs/libraries are wrapped the same way in two locations:
lib/_w32routines_.e (Win32) and lib/_external_.e (Linux and multi-platform),
either his or third party libraries. - v1.1.0 - CURL REST client,
HTML index, bug corrections
| |
edu editor (v1.00) for Euphoria 3.1.1 |
21K | Shian Lee |
Dec 27/17 |
edu.ex is a Unicode/UTF-8 version of the ed.ex editor, suitable
for UTF-8 encoding systems such as the Linux Xterm terminal. It
provides the very basic Unicode/UTF-8 editing features, and allows
you to embed Unicode strings in your program. (Please download
also the file 'utf8' by Shian Lee).
| |
Machine2 (v1.06) |
18K | Shian Lee |
updated Dec 23/17 |
Machine2.e includes basic utilities, bitwise operators and machine
level interface routines for Euphoria 3.1.1 (peek2, poke2, EQV,
IMP, shift, rotate, pack, unpack, set, get, binary, octal, decimal,
hexadecimal, flatten, boolean, string, fix, sign, delay, pause,
...). Includes standard user manual. Dec 23: unpack_bits()
now using floor() and it's much faster
| |
How to run Euphoria 3.1.1 on 64-bit Linux? |
1K | Shian Lee |
updated Dec 9/17 |
When you try to run Euphoria 3.1.1 on 64-bit Linux you may get the
error message: bash: ./exu: No such file or directory This is
because Euphoria 3.1.1 needs the 32-bit libraries for 64-bit Linux
system... Dec 9: New: how to compile a c file into a 32-bit
shared library for open_dll().
| |
Win32Lib Restructured for Eu3 |
3064K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Dec 2/17 |
Win32Lib restructured for Euphoria 3, with only 5 include files
instead of 37 and no cross calls between include files to improve
maintainability and avoid namespace annoyances. Fully compatible
with official Win32Lib 0.70.20. - v3.1.4 - Bug corrections - Needs
the new Eu3 Standard Library (v1.0.5).
| |
Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for GNU Emacs |
4K | Shian Lee |
Nov 20/17 |
This file adds Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting support for the
GNU Emacs (emacs) editor.
| |
Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for Midnight Commander |
3K | Shian Lee |
Nov 17/17 |
GNU Midnight Commander (mc) is a Visual shell for Unix-like systems,
which has an internal file editor (mcedit). This file adds Euphoria
3.1.1 syntax highlighting support for mcedit.
| |
EuIrr |
7530K | Andy |
updated Oct 31/17 |
EuIrr is a wrapper of the Irrlicht 3D Engine. It is based on the
C port known as CIrrlicht. Irrlicht is a 3D graphics engine that
allows you to render 3D environments. The wrapper was designed
to be Euphoria friendly. Oct 31: Updated debug DLLs with Release
| |
EuSDL2 |
435K | Andy P. |
updated Oct 24/17 |
EuSDL2 is a wrapper of SDL2 for the Euphoria programming language.
All major and minor functions have been wrapped. Includes some
example programs. Oct 24: Updated for SDL 2.0.7, new functions
added. Cross-platform support added.
| |
Euphoria 3.1.1 Syntax highlighting for Geany editor |
4K | Shian Lee |
Oct 20/17 |
Support for Syntax highlighting (coloring) of Euphoria 3.1.1 files
in Geany editor. Geany is a fast and lightweight cross platform
IDE. (this file supports build commands for Linux).
| |
Named Pipes for EU3 |
3K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Oct 14/17 |
Port of OpenEuphoria std/pipeio.e to Euphoria 3.11. Uses some routines
of EU3 Standard Library.
| |
Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for nano editor |
2K | Shian Lee |
updated Oct 13/17 |
Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting file for GNU nano editor. nano
is an enhanced free Pico clone; a small, free and friendly editor.
Oct 13: minor fixes
| |
EuChipmunkPhysics |
68K | Andy |
updated Oct 10/17 |
This is a wrapper of the Chipmunk physics library for Euphoria.
It has been written to be as Euphoria friendly as possible. Chipmunk
is a rigid body physics system. Oct 10: Fixed typos in wrapper
| |
EuSDL2Image |
1041K | Andy P. |
updated Sep 29/17 |
This is a wrapper of the SDL 2 Image library. This allows you to
use other graphic formats when using SDL2. All major and minor
functions have been wrapped. Sep 29: Updated for SDL_Image2
2.0.1, also made a new example. Added in cross-platform support.
| |
414K | Andy |
updated Sep 12/17 |
This is a wrapper of the ODE Physics Engine for Euphoria. All functions
have been wrapped. The wrapper has been designed to be as Euphoria
friendly as possible. ODE is a 3D Physics engine. Sep 12: Added
some missing functions. Added an example.
| |
Check processes |
2K | Jean-Marc DURO |
Aug 25/17 |
Two functions to test running processes under Linux and Windows.
Windows part is based on Pete Stoner's code. - Bug correction
on Windows
| |
soop_by_MS |
142K | for: Mario Steele |
Aug 2/17 |
3.00 |
Simplistic Object Oriented Programming Library is an API Library
to allow OOP to be implemented in Euphoria Programs. It is the
Successor of the POOP Library. Sports new features, including
call_back support for methods, and a beta version of a new Data
Type System. re-upload
| |
quick |
1K | Phil F. |
Jul 21/17 |
This quick "contents list" of routine declarations and their line
numbers can save a few moments when you are not sure where a routine
is in a group of old project files. Try: eui qindex.ex myfile.e
{and optional} > keeplist.txt
| |
sort_order lib |
1K | Igor Kachan |
Jul 8/17 |
There are too many discussion about true names for the sort functions
constants. Just his $0.02.
| |
eu compiled |
369K | James Cook |
Jul 6/17 |
This is simply a Watcom-compiled distribution of eu.ex from the
source directory of Euphoria v3.1.1, euw.exe eu.ex to exw1.exe
and exwc1.exe
| |
eu compiled for v4.0.5 |
1411K | James Cook |
Jul 6/17 |
Simply eu.ex from Euphoria v4.0.5 source directory translated and
compiled using watcom. eui1.exe and euiw.exe provided. (provided
without compression)
| |
Linked List |
17K | James Cook |
Jun 23/17 |
Double linked list routines in Euphoria. Can interface with C linked
list structure. Linked lists can provide faster data processing
than arrays, because not all the data is in the processor cache.
Can represent any Euphoria object as a linked list. Freeware license.
| |
Roman Numbers |
17K | James Cook |
Jun 21/17 |
Ancient Romans included both the leading and trailing items in the
count. The modern computer system starts counting at zero up until
one minus 2^bits. Strings are further complicated by needing an
extra zero terminating character. This library can calculate the
correct value when converting Ancient Roman numbers to modern
| |
EuAllegro5 |
5802K | Andy P. |
updated Jun 19/17 |
EuAllegro5 is a wrapper of the Allegro 5 game programming library.
All major and minor functions have been wrapped. Includes a couple
of examples. Jun 19: Wrapped the rest of the allegro add-ons.
All functions should be wrapped as of now.
| |
euthread |
310K | James Cook |
updated Jun 19/17 |
euthread impliments threads for Euphoria using the gcc and the openwatcom
compiler. Threads allow full multiprocessor support. Source included.
Freeware license. Jun 19: added euthread.e
| |
EuBox2D |
337K | Andy |
Jun 6/17 |
EuBox2D is a wrapper of the C port of Box2D. Box2D is a rigid body
physics simulation engine. This allows you to use Box2D with Euphoria.
It has been designed to be as Euphoria friendly as possible.
| |
Longest Common Substring Problem |
17K | James Cook |
Jun 2/17 |
Implementation of the longest common substring problem in Euphoria.
Freeware license.
| |
LDAP Search |
34K | Jean-Marc DURO |
May 31/17 |
Simple LDAP search functions in pure Euphoria (no DLL needed)
| |
dna_software |
60K | James Cook |
May 27/17 |
This is my attempt to write software for dna research. I use things
like bit-fields, and I try to find out how much compressed it
can be (because it takes a lot of memory). I hope you find it
useful. Freeware license.
| |
Command-line options for your program |
5K | James Cook |
updated May 27/17 |
0.70 |
Add command-line options handling to your program. Start with the
sample provided, and expand it to meet your program's command-line
needs. Includes option handling code for: /?, -x, -x[string],
-x [str1] [str2] May 27: Freeware license.
| |
English numbers |
18K | James Cook |
updated May 27/17 |
English numbers allows someone to type in a number and read it in
natural English language. For those who cannot count up to one
quadrillion. It is important that everyone should know how to
count in English. May 27: Freeware license.
| |
Mystack |
4K | James Cook |
updated May 27/17 |
Machine Stack include file. Implements a machine stack in a Euphoria
sequence. Designed to run very fast. Released as Public Domain.
Requires Euphoria v4.0 for some functions. May 27: Freeware
| |
aprompt |
23K | James Cook |
updated May 27/17 |
What should I do prompt. Uses reverse polish notation (rpn). Fully
configurable. Features: It can do simple mathematics. It logs
everything to a file. It uses a stack machine internally. Requires
OpenEuphoria v4.0 May 27: Freeware license.
| |
class file exmple |
21K | James Cook |
updated May 27/17 |
An example of how a class file can be implemented, with inheritance.
Multiple instances of a class can be handled, with data in sequences.
It can look up an id with an object name, or just have an unnamed
id. Data can be erased by over writing it with an empty sequence.
May 27: Freeware license.
| |
REST API functions |
3K | Jean-Marc DURO |
May 20/17 |
Two functions to parse or build REST API queries according to a
| |
EuGTK - GTK Library for Euphoria 4.0 |
19500K | Irv Mullins |
updated Apr 21/17 |
15.50 |
Very complete and easy-to-use wrapper for Euphoria 4.1 and GTK3.
More than 200 demo programs plus extensive html docs. Includes
web browser and program editor plugins, compatible with Glade
for drag and drop interface design. Apr 21: Works great on
Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian or Ubuntu.
| |
Command-line Processing Shell |
17K | James Cook |
updated Apr 13/17 |
Add command-line options handling to your program. Start with the
simple routines provided, and expand the shell to meet your program's
command-line needs. Includes option handling code for: /?, -x,
-x[string], -x [str1] [str2] Apr 13: Freeware license.
| |
random.e (v1.00) |
7K | Shian Lee |
Mar 23/17 |
random.e provides random access file routines for Euphoria 3.1.1.
Random access (or Direct access) files can be used for almost
anything: configuration files, help systems, dictionaries, account
managing, databases, etc. The library supports 15 simple data
types for fields of records. Includes standard user manual.
| |
Machine2 (v1.01) |
15K | Shian Lee |
updated Mar 17/17 |
Machine2.e includes basic utilities, bitwise operators and machine
level interface routines for Euphoria 3.1.1 (peek2, poke2, EQV,
IMP, shift, rotate, pack, unpack, set, get, binary, octal, decimal,
hexadecimal, flatten, boolean, string, fix, sign, delay, pause,
...). Includes standard user manual. Mar 17: string() type
is faster. Tip to speed up 'for' loops.
| |
datetime.e (v1.10) |
10K | Shian Lee |
updated Mar 11/17 |
datetime.e provides date and time routines for Euphoria 3.1.1. The
library supports calculation of date and time between the years
1900 and 4900 (Gregorian Calendar). It is designed to be efficient
and practical. Includes standard user manual. Mar 11: time_to_float32()
| |