Platform: | DOS32 |
Syntax: | include graphics.e x = palette(i, s) |
Description: | Change the color for color number i to s, where s is a sequence of color intensities: {red, green, blue}. Each value in s can be from 0 to 63. If successful, a 3-element sequence containing the previous color for i will be returned, and all pixels on the screen with value i will be set to the new color. If unsuccessful, the atom -1 will be returned. |
Example: | |
x = palette(0, {15, 40, 10}) -- color number 0 (normally black) is changed to a shade -- of mainly green. | |
See Also: | all_palette |
Syntax: | i = peek(a) or ... s = peek({a, i}) |
Description: | Return a single byte value in the range 0 to 255 from machine address a, or return a sequence containing i consecutive byte values starting at address a in memory. |
Comments: | Since addresses are 32-bit numbers, they can be larger than the largest
value of type integer (31-bits). Variables that hold an address should
therefore be declared as atoms.
It is faster to read several bytes at once using the second form of peek() than it is to read one byte at a time in a loop. Remember that peek takes just one argument, which in the second form is actually a 2-element sequence. |
Example: | The following are equivalent: |
-- method 1 s = {peek(100), peek(101), peek(102), peek(103)} -- method 2 s = peek({100, 4}) | |
See Also: | poke, peeks, peek2s, peek2u, peek4s, peek4u, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call |
Syntax: | i = peeks(a) or ... s = peeks({a, i}) |
Description: | Return a single signbed byte value in the range -128 to 127 from machine address a, or return a sequence containing i consecutive signed byte values starting at address a in memory. |
Comments: | Since addresses are 32-bit numbers, they can be larger than the largest
value of type integer (31-bits). Variables that hold an address should
therefore be declared as atoms.
It is faster to read several bytes at once using the second form of peeks() than it is to read one byte at a time in a loop. Remember that peek takes just one argument, which in the second form is actually a 2-element sequence. |
Example: | The following are equivalent: |
-- method 1 s = {peeks(100), peeks(101), peeks(102), peeks(103)} -- method 2 s = peeks({100, 4}) | |
See Also: | poke, peek, peek2s, peek2u, peek4s, peek4u, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call |
Syntax: | i = peek2s(a) or ... s = peek2s({a, i}) |
Description: | Return a signed two-byte value in the range -32768 to 32767 from machine address a, or return a sequence containing i consecutive byte values starting at address a in memory. |
Comments: | Since addresses are 32-bit numbers, they can be larger than the largest
value of type integer (31-bits). Variables that hold an address should
therefore be declared as atoms.
It is faster to read several bytes at once using the second form of peek2s() than it is to read one byte at a time in a loop. Remember that peek takes just one argument, which in the second form is actually a 2-element sequence. |
Example: | The following are equivalent: |
-- method 1 s = {peek2s(100), peek2s(102), peek2s(104), peek2s(106)} -- method 2 s = peek2s({100, 4}) | |
See Also: | poke, peek, peeks, peek2u, peek4s, peek4u, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call |
Syntax: | i = peek2u(a) or ... s = peek2u({a, i}) |
Description: | Return a two-byte value in the range 0 to 65535 from machine address a, or return a sequence containing i consecutive byte values starting at address a in memory. |
Comments: | Since addresses are 32-bit numbers, they can be larger than the largest
value of type integer (31-bits). Variables that hold an address should
therefore be declared as atoms.
It is faster to read several bytes at once using the second form of peek2u() than it is to read one byte at a time in a loop. Remember that peek takes just one argument, which in the second form is actually a 2-element sequence. |
Example: | The following are equivalent: |
-- method 1 s = {peek2u(100), peek2u(102), peek2u(104), peek2u(106)} -- method 2 s = peek2u({100, 4}) | |
See Also: | poke, peek, peeks, peek2s, peek4s, peek4u, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call |
Syntax: | a2 = peek4s(a1) or ... s = peek4s({a1, i}) |
Description: | Return a 4-byte (32-bit) signed value in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647 from machine address a1, or return a sequence containing i consecutive 4-byte signed values starting at address a1 in memory. |
Comments: | The 32-bit values returned by peek4s() may be too large for the Euphoria
integer type (31-bits), so you should use
atom variables.
Since machine addresses are 32-bit numbers, they can also be too large for Euphoria's integer type. Variables that hold an address should therefore be declared as atoms. It is faster to read several 4-byte values at once using the second form of peek4s() than it is to read one 4-byte value at a time in a loop. Remember that peek4s() takes just one argument, which in the second form is actually a 2-element sequence. |
Example: | The following are equivalent: |
-- method 1 s = {peek4s(100), peek4s(104), peek4s(108), peek4s(112)} -- method 2 s = peek4s({100, 4}) | |
See Also: | peek4u, peek, peeks, peek2s, peek2u, poke4, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call |
Syntax: | a2 = peek4u(a1) or ... s = peek4u({a1, i}) |
Description: | Return a 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned value in the range 0 to 4294967295 from machine address a1, or return a sequence containing i consecutive 4-byte unsigned values starting at address a1 in memory. |
Comments: | The 32-bit values returned by peek4u() may be too large for the Euphoria
integer type (31-bits), so you should use
atom variables.
Since machine addresses are 32-bit numbers, they can also be too large for Euphoria's integer type. Variables that hold an address should therefore be declared as atoms. It is faster to read several 4-byte values at once using the second form of peek4u() than it is to read one 4-byte value at a time in a loop. Remember that peek4u() takes just one argument, which in the second form is actually a 2-element sequence. |
Example: | The following are equivalent: |
-- method 1 s = {peek4u(100), peek4u(104), peek4u(108), peek4u(112)} -- method 2 s = peek4u({100, 4}) | |
See Also: | peek4s, peek, poke4, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call |
Syntax: | s = peek_string(a) |
Description: | Return a sequence of text from a null terminated string starting at machine address a. |
Comments: | |
Example: | The following reads the null-terminated string starting at 100 into the sequence s: |
s = peek_string(100) | |
See Also: | poke, peek, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low |
Syntax: | include misc.e PI |
Description: | PI (3.14159...) has been defined as a global constant. |
Comments: | Enough digits have been used to attain the maximum accuracy possible for a Euphoria atom. |
Example: | |
x = PI -- x is 3.14159... | |
See Also: | sin, cos, tan |
Platform: | DOS32 |
Syntax: | pixel(x1, s) |
Description: | Set one or more pixels on a pixel-graphics screen starting at point s, where s is a 2-element screen coordinate {x, y}. If x1 is an atom, one pixel will be set to the color indicated by x1. If x1 is a sequence then a number of pixels will be set, starting at s and moving to the right (increasing x value, same y value). |
Comments: | When x1 is a sequence, a very fast algorithm is used to put the
pixels on the screen. It is much faster to call pixel() once,
with a sequence of pixel colors, than it is to call it many
times, plotting one pixel color at a time.
In graphics mode 19, pixel() is highly optimized. Any off-screen pixels will be safely clipped. |
Example 1: | |
pixel(BLUE, {50, 60}) -- the point {50,60} is set to the color BLUE | |
Example 2: | |
pixel({BLUE, GREEN, WHITE, RED}, {50,60}) -- {50,60} set to BLUE -- {51,60} set to GREEN -- {52,60} set to WHITE -- {53,60} set to RED | |
See Also: | get_pixel, graphics_mode |
Syntax: | i = platform() |
Description: | platform() is a function built-in to the interpreter. It indicates the platform that the program is being executed on: DOS32, WIN32, Linux or FreeBSD. |
Comments: | When ex.exe is running, the platform
is DOS32. When exw.exe
is running the platform is WIN32. When
exu is running the platform is LINUX
The include file misc.e contains the following constants: |
global constant DOS32 = 1, WIN32 = 2, LINUX = 3, FREEBSD = 3 | |
Use platform() when you want to execute different code depending
on which platform the program is running on.
Additional platforms will be added as Euphoria is ported to new machines and operating environments. The call to platform() costs nothing. It is optimized at compile-time into the appropriate integer value: 1, 2 or 3. | |
Example 1: | |
if platform() = WIN32 then -- call system Beep routine err = c_func(Beep, {0,0}) elsif platform() = DOS32 then -- make beep sound(500) t = time() while time() < t + 0.5 do end while sound(0) else -- do nothing (Linux/FreeBSD) end if | |
See Also: | platform.doc |
Syntax: | poke(a, x) |
Description: | If x is an atom, write a single byte value to memory address a. If x is a sequence, write a sequence of byte values to consecutive memory locations starting at location a. |
Comments: | The lower 8-bits of each byte value, i.e. remainder(x, 256),
is actually stored in memory.
It is faster to write several bytes at once by poking a sequence of values, than it is to write one byte at a time in a loop. Writing to the screen memory with poke() can be much faster than using puts() or printf(), but the programming is more difficult. In most cases the speed is not needed. For example, the Euphoria editor, ed, never uses poke(). |
Example: | |
a = allocate(100) -- allocate 100 bytes in memory -- poke one byte at a time: poke(a, 97) poke(a+1, 98) poke(a+2, 99) -- poke 3 bytes at once: poke(a, {97, 98, 99}) | |
Example Program: | demo\callmach.ex |
See Also: | peek, poke4, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call, safe.e |
Syntax: | poke2(a, x) |
Description: | If x is an atom, write a word (two-byte) value to memory address a. If x is a sequence, write a sequence of word values to consecutive memory locations starting at location a. |
Comments: | The lower 16-bits of each byte value, i.e. remainder(x, 65535),
is actually stored in memory.
It is faster to write several words at once by poking a sequence of values, than it is to write one word at a time in a loop. |
Example: | |
a = allocate(100) -- allocate 100 bytes in memory -- poke one word at a time: poke(a, 10097) poke(a+2, 10098) poke(a+4, 10099) -- poke 3 words at once: poke(a, {10097, 10098, 10099}) | |
See Also: | peek2u, peek2s, poke, poke4, allocate, free, allocate_low, free_low, call, safe.e |
Syntax: | poke4(a, x) |
Description: | If x is an atom, write a 4-byte (32-bit) value to memory
address a. If x is a sequence, write a sequence of 4-byte values to consecutive memory locations starting at location a. |
Comments: | The value or values to be stored must not exceed 32-bits in size.
It is faster to write several 4-byte values at once by poking a sequence of values, than it is to write one 4-byte value at a time in a loop. The 4-byte values to be stored can be negative or positive. You can read them back with either peek4s() or peek4u(). |
Example: | |
a = allocate(100) -- allocate 100 bytes in memory -- poke one 4-byte value at a time: poke4(a, 9712345) poke4(a+4, #FF00FF00) poke4(a+8, -12345) -- poke 3 4-byte values at once: poke4(a, {9712345, #FF00FF00, -12345}) | |
See Also: | peek4u, peek4s, poke, allocate, allocate_low, call |
Platform: | DOS32 |
Syntax: | include graphics.e polygon(i1, i2, s) |
Description: | Draw a polygon with 3 or more vertices given in s, on a pixel-graphics screen using a certain color i1. Fill the area if i2 is 1. Don't fill if i2 is 0. |
Example: | |
polygon(GREEN, 1, {{100, 100}, {200, 200}, {900, 700}}) -- makes a solid green triangle. | |
See Also: | draw_line, ellipse |
Syntax: | position(i1, i2) |
Description: | Set the cursor to line i1, column i2, where the top left corner of the screen is line 1, column 1. The next character displayed on the screen will be printed at this location. position() will report an error if the location is off the screen. |
Comments: | position() works in both text and pixel-graphics
The coordinate system for displaying text is different from the one for displaying pixels. Pixels are displayed such that the top-left is (x=0,y=0) and the first coordinate controls the horizontal, left-right location. In pixel-graphics modes you can display both text and pixels. position() only sets the line and column for the text that you display, not the pixels that you plot. There is no corresponding routine for setting the next pixel position. |
Example: | |
position(2,1) -- the cursor moves to the beginning of the second line from -- the top | |
See Also: | get_position, puts, print, printf |
Syntax: | x3 = power(x1, x2) |
Description: | Raise x1 to the power x2 |
Comments: | The arguments to this function may be atoms or sequences. The
rules for operations on sequences apply.
Powers of 2 are calculated very efficiently. |
Example 1: | |
? power(5, 2) -- 25 is printed | |
Example 2: | |
? power({5, 4, 3.5}, {2, 1, -0.5}) -- {25, 4, 0.534522} is printed | |
Example 3: | |
? power(2, {1, 2, 3, 4}) -- {2, 4, 8, 16} | |
Example 4: | |
? power({1, 2, 3, 4}, 2) -- {1, 4, 9, 16} | |
See Also: | log, sqrt |
Syntax: | s2 = prepend(s1, x) |
Description: | Prepend x to the start of sequence s1. The length of s2 will be length(s1) + 1. |
Comments: | If x is an atom this is the same as s2 = x & s1. If x is a
sequence it is definitely not the same.
The case where s1 and s2 are the same variable is handled very efficiently. |
Example 1: | |
prepend({1,2,3}, {0,0}) -- {{0,0}, 1, 2, 3} -- Compare with concatenation: {0,0} & {1,2,3} -- {0, 0, 1, 2, 3} | |
Example 2: | |
s = {} for i = 1 to 10 do s = prepend(s, i) end for -- s is {10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1} | |
See Also: | append, concatenation operator &, sequence-formation operator |
Syntax: | include misc.e pretty_print(fn, x, s) |
Description: | Print, to file or device fn, an object x, using braces { , , , },
indentation, and multiple lines to show the structure.
Several options
may be supplied in s to control the presentation.
Pass {} to select the defaults, or set options as below: If the length of s is less than 8, unspecified options at the end of the sequence will keep the default values. e.g. {0, 5} will choose "never display ASCII", plus 5-character indentation, with defaults for everything else. |
Comments: | The display will start at the current cursor position. Normally you will
want to call pretty_print() when the cursor is in column 1 (after printing
a \n character). If you want to start in a different column, you should
call position() and specify a value for option [3]. This will ensure
that the first and last braces in a sequence line up vertically.
When specifying the format to use for integers and floating-point numbers, you can add some decoration, e.g. "(%d)" or "$ %.2f" |
Example 1: | |
pretty_print(1, "ABC", {}) {65'A',66'B',67'C'} | |
Example 2: | |
pretty_print(1, {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}, {}) { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6} } | |
Example 3: | |
pretty_print(1, {"Euphoria", "Programming", "Language"}, {2}) { "Euphoria", "Programming", "Language" } | |
Example 4: | |
puts(1, "word_list = ") -- moves cursor to column 13 pretty_print(1, {{"Euphoria", 8, 5.3}, {"Programming", 11, -2.9}, {"Language", 8, 9.8}}, {2, 4, 13, 78, "%03d", "%.3f"}) -- first 6 of 8 options word_list = { { "Euphoria", 008, 5.300 }, { "Programming", 011, -2.900 }, { "Language", 008, 9.800 } } | |
See Also: | ?, print, puts, printf |
Syntax: | print(fn, x) |
Description: | Print, to file or device fn, an object x with braces { , , , } to show the structure. |
Example 1: | |
print(1, "ABC") -- output is: {65, 66, 67} puts(1, "ABC") -- output is: ABC | |
Example 2: | |
print(1, repeat({10,20}, 3)) -- output is: {{10,20},{10,20},{10,20}} | |
See Also: | ?, pretty_print, puts, printf, get |
Syntax: | printf(fn, st, x) |
Description: | Print x, to file or device fn, using format string st.
If x is a sequence, then format specifiers from st are matched with
corresponding elements of x. If x is an atom, then normally st will
contain just one format specifier and it will be applied to x,
however if st contains multiple format specifiers, each one will
be applied to the same value x.
Thus printf() always takes exactly 3 arguments. Only the length of
the last argument, containing the values to be printed, will
vary. The basic format specifiers are:
%d - print an atom as a decimal integer Field widths can be added to the basic formats, e.g. %5d, %8.2f, %10.4s. The number before the decimal point is the minimum field width to be used. The number after the decimal point is the precision to be used. If the field width is negative, e.g. %-5d then the value will be left-justified within the field. Normally it will be right-justified. If the field width starts with a leading 0, e.g. %08d then leading zeros will be supplied to fill up the field. If the field width starts with a '+' e.g. %+7d then a plus sign will be printed for positive values. |
Comments: | Watch out for the following common mistake: |
name="John Smith" printf(1, "%s", name) -- error! | |
This will print only the first character, J, of name, as each element of name is taken to be a separate value to be formatted. You must say this instead: | |
name="John Smith" printf(1, "%s", {name}) -- correct | |
Now, the third argument of printf() is a one-element sequence containing the item to be formatted. | |
Example 1: | |
rate = 7.875 printf(myfile, "The interest rate is: %8.2f\n", rate) The interest rate is: 7.88 | |
Example 2: | |
name="John Smith" score=97 printf(1, "%15s, %5d\n", {name, score}) John Smith, 97 | |
Example 3: | |
printf(1, "%-10.4s $ %s", {"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP", "XXX"}) ABCD $ XXX | |
Example 4: | |
printf(1, "%d %e %f %g", 7.75) -- same value in different formats 7 7.750000e+000 7.750000 7.75 | |
See Also: | sprintf, puts, open |
Syntax: | profile(i) |
Description: | Enable or disable profiling at run-time. This works for both execution-count and time-profiling. If i is 1 then profiling will be enabled, and samples/counts will be recorded. If i is 0 then profiling will be disabled and samples/counts will not be recorded. |
Comments: | After a "with profile" or "with profile_time" statement, profiling is turned on automatically. Use profile(0) to turn it off. Use profile(1) to turn it back on when execution reaches the code that you wish to focus the profile on. |
Example 1: | |
with profile_time profile(0) ... procedure slow_routine() profile(1) ... profile(0) end procedure | |
See Also: | trace, profiling, special top-level statements |
Syntax: | include get.e a = prompt_number(st, s) |
Description: | Prompt the user to enter a number. st is a string of text that will be displayed on the screen. s is a sequence of two values {lower, upper} which determine the range of values that the user may enter. If the user enters a number that is less than lower or greater than upper, he will be prompted again. s can be empty, {}, if there are no restrictions. |
Comments: | If this routine is too simple for your needs, feel free to copy it and make your own more specialized version. |
Example 1: | |
age = prompt_number("What is your age? ", {0, 150}) | |
Example 2: | |
t = prompt_number("Enter a temperature in Celcius:\n", {}) | |
See Also: | get, prompt_string |
Syntax: | include get.e s = prompt_string(st) |
Description: | Prompt the user to enter a string of text. st is a string that will be displayed on the screen. The string that the user types will be returned as a sequence, minus any new-line character. |
Comments: | If the user happens to type control-Z (indicates end-of-file), "" will be returned. |
Example: | |
name = prompt_string("What is your name? ") | |
See Also: | gets, prompt_number |
Syntax: | include image.e put_screen_char(i1, i2, s) |
Description: | Write zero or more characters onto the screen along with their attributes. i1 specifies the line, and i2 specifies the column where the first character should be written. The sequence s looks like: {ascii-code1, attribute1, ascii-code2, attribute2, ...}. Each pair of elements in s describes one character. The ascii-code atom contains the ASCII code of the character. The attributes atom contains the foreground color, background color, and possibly other platform-dependent information controlling how the character is displayed on the screen. |
Comments: | The length of s must be a multiple of 2. If s has 0 length, nothing
will be written to the screen. It's faster to write several characters to the screen with a single call to put_screen_char() than it is to write one character at a time. |
Example: | |
-- write AZ to the top left of the screen -- (attributes are platform-dependent) put_screen_char(1, 1, {'A', 152, 'Z', 131}) | |
See Also: | get_screen_char, display_text_image |
Syntax: | puts(fn, x) |
Description: | Output, to file or device fn, a single byte (atom) or sequence of bytes. The low order 8-bits of each value is actually sent out. If fn is the screen you will see text characters displayed. |
Comments: | When you output a sequence of bytes it must not have any (sub)sequences
within it. It must be a
sequence of atoms only.
(Typically a string of ASCII codes).
Avoid outputting 0's to the screen or to standard output. Your output might get truncated. Remember that if the output file was opened in text mode, DOS and Windows will change \n (10) to \r\n (13 10). Open the file in binary mode if this is not what you want. |
Example 1: | |
puts(SCREEN, "Enter your first name: ") | |
Example 2: | |
puts(output, 'A') -- the single byte 65 will be sent to output | |
See Also: | printf, gets, open |
Syntax: | x2 = rand(x1) |
Description: | Return a random integer from 1 to x1, where x1 may be from 1 to the largest positive value of type integer (1073741823). |
Comments: | This function may be applied to an atom or to all elements of a sequence. |
Example: | |
s = rand({10, 20, 30}) -- s might be: {5, 17, 23} or {9, 3, 12} etc. | |
See Also: | set_rand |
Syntax: | include image.e x = read_bitmap(st) |
Description: | st is the name of a .bmp "bitmap" file. The file should be in
the bitmap format. The most common variations of the format
are supported. If the file is read successfully the result will
be a 2-element sequence. The first element is the palette,
containing intensity values in the range 0 to 255. The
second element is a 2-d sequence of sequences containing a
pixel-graphics image. You can pass the palette to all_palette()
(after dividing it by 4 to scale it). The image can be passed
to display_image(). Bitmaps of 2, 4, 16 or 256 colors are supported. If the file is not in a good format, an error code (atom) is returned instead: |
Comments: | You can create your own bitmap picture files using Windows Paintbrush and many other graphics programs. You can then incorporate these pictures into your Euphoria programs. |
Example: | |
x = read_bitmap("c:\\windows\\arcade.bmp") -- note: double backslash needed to get single backslash in -- a string | |
Example Program: | demo\dos32\bitmap.ex |
See Also: | palette, all_palette, display_image, save_bitmap |
Syntax: | include machine.e (or safe.e) register_block(a, i) |
Description: | Add a block of memory to the list of safe blocks maintained by safe.e (the debug version of machine.e). The block starts at address a. The length of the block is i bytes. |
Comments: | This routine is only meant to be used for debugging
purposes. safe.e tracks the
blocks of memory that your program is allowed to
mem_copy() etc. These are normally
just the blocks that you have allocated using Euphoria's
allocate() or
allocate_low() routines, and which
you have not yet freed using Euphoria's
free() or
free_low(). In some cases, you may
acquire additional, external, blocks of memory, perhaps as a result
of calling a C routine. If you are debugging your program using
safe.e, you must register
these external blocks of memory or
safe.e will prevent you from
accessing them. When you are finished using an external block you can
unregister it using unregister_block().
When you include machine.e, you'll get different versions of register_block() and unregister_block() that do nothing. This makes it easy to switch back and forth between debug and non-debug runs of your program. |
Example 1: | |
atom addr addr = c_func(x, {}) register_block(addr, 5) poke(addr, "ABCDE") unregister_block(addr) | |
See Also: | unregister_block, safe.e |
Syntax: | x3 = remainder(x1, x2) |
Description: | Compute the remainder after dividing x1 by x2. The result will have the same sign as x1, and the magnitude of the result will be less than the magnitude of x2. |
Comments: | The arguments to this function may be atoms or sequences. The rules for operations on sequences apply. |
Example 1: | |
a = remainder(9, 4) -- a is 1 | |
Example 2: | |
s = remainder({81, -3.5, -9, 5.5}, {8, -1.7, 2, -4}) -- s is {1, -0.1, -1, 1.5} | |
Example 3: | |
s = remainder({17, 12, 34}, 16) -- s is {1, 12, 2} | |
Example 4: | |
s = remainder(16, {2, 3, 5}) -- s is {0, 1, 1} | |
See Also: | floor |
Syntax: | s = repeat(x, a) |
Description: | Create a sequence of length a where each element is x. |
Comments: | When you repeat a sequence or a floating-point number the interpreter does not actually make multiple copies in memory. Rather, a single copy is "pointed to" a number of times. |
Example 1: | |
repeat(0, 10) -- {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} | |
Example 2: | |
repeat("JOHN", 4) -- {"JOHN", "JOHN", "JOHN", "JOHN"} -- The interpreter will create only one copy of "JOHN" -- in memory | |
See Also: | append, prepend, sequence-formation operator |
Syntax: | include misc.e s2 = reverse(s1) |
Description: | Reverse the order of elements in a sequence. |
Comments: | A new sequence is created where the top-level elements appear in reverse order compared to the original sequence. |
Example 1: | |
reverse({1,3,5,7}) -- {7,5,3,1} | |
Example 2: | |
reverse({{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}) -- {{4,5,6}, {1,2,3}} | |
Example 3: | |
reverse({99}) -- {99} | |
Example 4: | |
reverse({}) -- {} | |
See Also: | append, prepend, repeat |
Syntax: | i = routine_id(st) |
Description: | Return an integer id number, known as a routine id, for a user-defined Euphoria procedure or function. The name of the procedure or function is given by the string sequence st. -1 is returned if the named routine can't be found. |
Comments: | The id number can be passed to call_proc() or call_func(), to indirectly
call the routine named by st.
The routine named by st must be visible, i.e. callable, at the place where routine_id() is used to get the id number. Indirect calls to the routine can appear earlier in the program than the definition of the routine, but the id number can only be obtained in code that comes after the definition of the routine - see example 2 below. Once obtained, a valid routine id can be used at any place in the program to call a routine indirectly via call_proc()/call_func(). Some typical uses of routine_id() are:
1. Calling a routine that is defined later in
a program. Note that C routines, callable by Euphoria, also have routine id's. See define_c_proc() and define_c_func(). |
Example 1: | |
procedure foo() puts(1, "Hello World\n") end procedure integer foo_num foo_num = routine_id("foo") call_proc(foo_num, {}) -- same as calling foo() | |
Example 2: | |
function apply_to_all(sequence s, integer f) -- apply a function to all elements of a sequence sequence result result = {} for i = 1 to length(s) do -- we can call add1() here although it comes later in the program result = append(result, call_func(f, {s[i]})) end for return result end function function add1(atom x) return x + 1 end function -- add1() is visible here, so we can ask for its routine id ? apply_to_all({1, 2, 3}, routine_id("add1")) -- displays {2,3,4} | |
See Also: | call_proc, call_func, call_back, define_c_func, define_c_proc, platform.doc |