Euphoria Database System (EDS)
Many people have expressed an interest in accessing databases using
Euphoria programs. Those people have either wanted to access a
name-brand database management system from Euphoria, or they've
wanted a simple, easy-to-use, Euphoria-oriented database for storing data.
EDS is the latter. It provides a simple,
extremely flexible, database system
for use by Euphoria programs.
Structure of an EDS database
In EDS, a database is a single file
with .edb file type.
An EDS database contains 0 or more
tables. Each table has a
name, and
contains 0 or more records.
Each record consists of a key part,
and a data part. The key can be
any Euphoria object -
an atom, a sequence, a deeply-nested sequence, whatever. Similarly the
data can be any Euphoria object.
There are no constraints on the
size or structure of the key or data. Within a given table, the keys
are all unique. That is, no two records in the same table can have
the same key part.
The records of a table are stored in ascending order of key value.
An efficient binary search is used when you refer to a record
by key. You can also access a record directly, with no search, if you
know its current record number within
the table. Record numbers are
integers from 1 to the length (current number of records) of the table.
By incrementing the record number, you can efficiently step through all
the records, in order of key. Note however that a record's number can
change whenever a new record is inserted, or an existing record is deleted.
The keys and data parts are stored in a compact form, but
no accuracy is
lost when saving or restoring floating-point numbers or
any other Euphoria data.
database.e will work as is,
on Windows,
or FreeBSD.
EDS database files can be copied and shared
between programs running on Linux/FreeBSD and DOS/Windows.
Be sure to make an exact byte for byte copy
using "binary" mode copying, rather than "text" or "ASCII" mode which
could change the line terminators.
database: "mydata.edb"
first table: "passwords"
record #1: key: "jones" data: "euphor123"
record #2: key: "smith" data: "billgates"
second table: "parts"
record #1: key: 134525 data: {"hammer", 15.95, 500}
record #2: key: 134526 data: {"saw", 25.95, 100}
record #3: key: 134530 data: {"screw driver", 5.50, 1500}
It's up to you to interpret the meaning of the key and data.
In keeping with the spirit of Euphoria, you have
total flexibility.
Unlike most other database systems, an EDS record is
not required to
have either a fixed number of fields, or fields with a preset maximum length.
In many cases there will not be any natural key value for your records.
In those cases you should simply create a meaningless, but unique,
integer to be the key. Remember that you can always access the data
by record number. It's easy to loop through the records looking for
a particular field value.
How to access the data
To reduce the number of parameters that you have to pass,
there is a notion of the current database,
and current table.
Most routines use these current values automatically.
You normally start by opening (or creating) a database file, then
selecting the table that you want to work with.
You can map a key to a record number using
db_find_key(). It uses
an efficient binary search. Most of the other record-level routines
expect the record number as an argument. You can very quickly access
any record, given it's number. You can access all the records by
starting at record number 1 and looping through to the record number
returned by db_table_size().
How does storage get recycled?
When you delete something, such as a record, the space for that item
gets put on a free list, for future use. Adjacent free areas are
combined into larger free areas. When more space is needed, and no
suitable space is found on the free list, the file will grow in size.
Currently there is no automatic way that a file will shrink in size,
but you can use db_compress() to
completely rewrite a database, removing the unused spaces.
Security / Multi-user Access
This release provides a simple way to lock an entire database to prevent
unsafe access by other processes.
Internal pointers are 4 bytes. In theory that limits the size of a
database file to 4 Gb. In practice, the limit is 2 Gb because of
limitations in various C file functions used by Euphoria.
Given enough user demand, EDS databases could be expanded well beyond
2 Gb in the future.
The current algorithm allocates 4 bytes of memory per record in the
current table. So you'll need at least 4Mb RAM per million records
on disk.
The binary search for keys should work reasonably well for large tables.
Inserts and deletes take slightly longer as a table gets larger.
At the low end of the scale, it's possible to create extremely small
databases without incurring much disk space overhead.
Do not store valuable data without a backup.
RDS will not be responsible for any damage or data loss.
.edb files are binary files, not text files.
You *must* use BINARY mode when transferring a .edb file
via FTP from one machine to another. You must also avoid
loading a .edb file into an editor and saving it. If you
open a .edb file directly using Euphoria's open(),
which is not recommended, you must use binary mode, not text mode.
Failure to follow these rules could result in 10 (line-feed)
and 13 (carriage-return) bytes being changed, leading to subtle
and not-so-subtle forms of corruption in your database.
Database Routines
In the descriptions below, to indicate what kind of
object may
be passed in and returned, the following prefixes are used:
Syntax: |
include database.e
i1 = db_create(s, i2)
Description: |
Create a new database. A new database will be created in the file with path
given by s. i2 indicates the type of lock that will be applied to the file
as it is created. i1 is an error code that indicates success or failure.
The values for i2 can be either DB_LOCK_NO (no lock) or
DB_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE (exclusive lock). i1
is DB_OK if the new database is successfully created. This database
becomes the current database to which
all other database operations will apply.
Comments: |
If the path, s, does not end in .edb, it will be added automatically.
If the database already exists, it will not be overwritten.
db_create() will return DB_EXISTS_ALREADY.
A version number is stored in the database file so future
versions of the database software can recognize the format, and
possibly read it and deal with it in some way.
Example: |
if db_create("mydata", DB_LOCK_NO) != DB_OK then
puts(2, "Couldn't create the database!\n")
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i1 = db_open(s, i2)
Description: |
Open an existing Euphoria database. The file containing the database is
given by s. i1 is a return code indicating success or failure.
i2 indicates the type of lock that you want to place on the database
file while you have it open. This database
becomes the current database to
which all other database operations will apply.
The return codes are:
global constant DB_OK = 0 -- success
DB_OPEN_FAIL = -1 -- couldn't open the file
DB_LOCK_FAIL = -3 -- couldn't lock the file in the
-- manner requested
Comments: |
The types of lock that you can use are: DB_LOCK_NO (no lock),
DB_LOCK_SHARED (shared lock for read-only access) and
DB_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE (for read/write access). DB_LOCK_SHARED is only supported on
It allows you to read the database, but not write anything to it. If you
request DB_LOCK_SHARED on WIN32 or
DOS32 it will be treated as if you had
If the lock fails, your program should wait a few seconds and try again.
Another process might be currently accessing the database.
DOS programs will typically get a "critical error" message if they
try to access a database that is currently locked.
Example: |
tries = 0
while 1 do
err = db_open("mydata", DB_LOCK_SHARED)
if err = DB_OK then
elsif err = DB_LOCK_FAIL then
tries += 1
if tries > 10 then
puts(2, "too many tries, giving up\n")
end if
puts(2, "Couldn't open the database!\n")
end if
end while
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_select(s)
Description: |
Choose a new, already open, database to be the
current database.
Subsequent database operations will apply to this database. s is the
path of the database file as it was originally opened with db_open() or
db_create(). i is a return code indicating success (DB_OK) or failure.
Comments: |
When you create (db_create) or open (db_open)
a database, it automatically becomes the current database.
Use db_select() when you want to switch back and forth between
open databases, perhaps to copy records
from one to the other.
After selecting a new database, you should select a table
within that database using db_select_table().
Example: |
if db_select("employees") != DB_OK then
puts(2, "Couldn't select employees database\n")
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
Description: |
Unlock and close the current database.
Comments: |
Call this procedure when you are finished with the current database.
Any lock will be removed, allowing other processes to access
the database file.
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_create_table(s)
Description: |
Create a new table within the
current database. The name of the
table is given by the sequence of characters, s, and may not be the same
as any existing table in the current database.
Comments: |
The table that you create will initially have 0 records.
It becomes the current table.
Example: |
if db_create_table("my_new_table") != DB_OK then
puts(2, "Couldn't create my_new_table!\n")
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_select_table(s)
Description: |
The table with name given by s,
becomes the current table.
The return code, i, will be DB_OK if the table exists in the
current database, otherwise you'll
Comments: |
All record-level database operations apply automatically
to the current table.
Example: |
if db_select_table("salary") != DB_OK then
puts(2, "Couldn't find salary table!\n")
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
db_rename_table(s1, s2)
Description: |
Rename a table in the current database.
The current name of the table is given by s1. The new name of the table is s2.
Comments: |
The table to be renamed can be the
current table,
or some other table in the current database.
An error will occur if s1 is not the name of a table in the current database,
or if s2 is the name of an existing table in the current database.
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
Description: |
Delete a table in the current database.
The name of the table is given by s.
Comments: |
All records are deleted and all space used by the table is freed up.
If the table is the current table,
the current table becomes undefined.
If there is no table with the name given by s, then nothing happens.
See Also: |
Syntax: |
s = db_table_list()
Description: |
Return a sequence of all the table names in the
current database. Each
element of s is a sequence of characters containing the name of a table.
Example: |
sequence names
names = db_table_list()
for i = 1 to length(names) do
puts(1, names[i] & '\n')
end for
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_table_size()
Description: |
Return the current number of records in the
current table.
Example: |
-- look at all records in the current table
for i = 1 to db_table_size() do
if db_record_key(i) = 0 then
puts(1, "0 key found\n")
end if
end for
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_find_key(x)
Description: |
Find the record in the current table
with key value x. If found,
the record number will be returned. If not found, the record number
that key would occupy, if inserted, is returned as a negative number.
Comments: |
A fast binary search is used to find the key in the
current table. The number of comparisons is proportional
to the log of the number of records in the table.
You can select a range of records by searching for the first and
last key values in the range. If those key values don't exist,
you'll at least get a negative value showing where they would be,
if they existed.
e.g. Suppose you want to know which records have keys greater than "GGG"
and less than "MMM". If -5 is returned for key "GGG", it means
a record with "GGG" as a key would be inserted as record number 5.
-27 for "MMM" means a record with "MMM" as its key would
be inserted as record number 27. This quickly tells you that
all records, >= 5 and < 27 qualify.
Example: |
rec_num = db_find_key("Millennium")
if rec_num > 0 then
? db_record_key(rec_num)
? db_record_data(rec_num)
puts(2, "Not found, but if you insert it,\n")
printf(2, "it will be #%d\n", -rec_num)
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
x = db_record_key(i)
Description: |
Return the key portion of record number i in the
current table.
Comments: |
Each record in a Euphoria database consists of a key portion and
a data portion. Each of these can be any Euphoria atom or sequence.
Example: |
puts(1, "The 6th record has key value: ")
? db_record_key(6)
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
x = db_record_data(i)
Description: |
Return the data portion of record number i in the
current table.
Comments: |
Each record in a Euphoria database consists of a key portion and
a data portion. Each of these can be any Euphoria atom or sequence.
Example: |
puts(1, "The 6th record has data value: ")
? db_record_data(6)
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_insert(x1, x2)
Description: |
Insert a new record into the
current table. The record
key is x1 and the record data is x2. Both x1 and x2 can be any Euphoria
data objects, atoms or sequences. The return code i1 is DB_OK if the record
is inserted.
Comments: |
Within a table, all keys must be unique. db_insert() will fail with
DB_EXISTS_ALREADY if a record already exists with the same key value.
Example: |
if db_insert("Smith", {"Peter", 100, 34.5}) != DB_OK then
puts(2, "insert failed!\n")
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
Description: |
Delete record number i from the
current table.
Comments: |
The record number, i, must be an integer from 1 to the number
of records in the current table.
Example: |
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
db_replace_data(i, x)
Description: |
In the current table, replace the
data portion of record number i, with x.
x can be any Euphoria atom or sequence.
Comments: |
The record number, i, must be from 1 to the number of records in the
current table.
Example: |
db_replace_data(67, {"Peter", 150, 34.5})
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
i = db_compress()
Description: |
Compress the current database.
The current database is copied
to a new file such that any blocks of unused space are eliminated.
If successful, i will be set to DB_OK, and the new compressed database
file will retain the same name. The current table will be undefined.
As a backup, the original, uncompressed
file will be renamed with an extension of .t0 (or .t1, .t2 ,..., .t99).
In the highly unusual case that the compression is unsuccessful,
the database will be left unchanged, and no backup will be made.
Comments: |
When you delete items from a database, you create blocks of free
space within the database file. The system keeps track of these blocks and
tries to use them for storing new data that you insert. db_compress() will
copy the current database without copying these free areas. The size of the
database file may therefore be reduced.
If the backup filenames reach .t99 you will have to delete some of them.
Example: |
if db_compress() != DB_OK then
puts(2, "compress failed!\n")
end if
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
db_dump(fn, i)
Description: |
Print the contents of an already-open Euphoria database.
The contents are printed to file or device fn.
All records in all tables are shown. If i is non-zero,
then a low-level byte-by-byte dump is also shown. The low-level
dump will only be meaningful to someone who is familiar
with the internal format of a Euphoria database.
Example: |
if db_open("mydata", DB_LOCK_SHARED) != DB_OK then
puts(2, "Couldn't open the database!\n")
end if
fn = open("db.txt", "w")
db_dump(fn, 0)
See Also: |
Syntax: |
include database.e
db_fatal_id = i
Description: |
You can catch certain fatal database errors by installing your own fatal error
handler. Simply overwrite the global variable db_fatal_id with the
routine id of one of your own procedures. The procedure must take
a single argument which is a sequence. When certain errors occur your
procedure will be called with an error message string as the argument.
Your procedure should end by calling abort().
Example: |
procedure my_fatal(sequence msg)
puts(2, "A fatal error occurred - " & msg & '\n')
end procedure
db_fatal_id = routine_id("my_fatal")
See Also: |