How to Install Euphoria on Windows Download and run the latest Euphoria setup program. It will install Euphoria on any Windows system from Windows 95 up. After installing, see doc\what2do.doc (or html\what2do.htm) for ideas on how to use this package. You should also read readme.doc (or readme.htm) if you haven't done so already.
On WinNT/2000/XP and higher, if for some reason your EUDIR and PATH variables are not set correctly, then set them in whatever way your system allows. For example on Windows XP select: Start Menu -> Control Panel -> Performance&Maintenance -> System -> Advanced then click the "Environment Variables" button. Click the top "New..." button then enter EUDIR as the Variable Name and c:\euphoria (or whatever is correct) for the value, then click OK. Find PATH in the list of your variables, select it, then click "Edit...". Add ;c:\euphoria\bin at the end and click OK. Some systems, such as Windows ME, have an autoexec.bat file, but it's a hidden file that might not show up in a directory listing. Nevertheless it's there, and you can view it and edit it if necessary by typing, for example: notepad c:\autoexec.bat in a DOS window. If you have an autoexec.bat file, but it doesn't contain a PATH command, you will have to create one that includes C:\EUPHORIA\BIN. There is another, optional, environment variable used by some experienced users of Euphoria. It is called EUINC (see ). It determines the search path for included files. You might want to add it, or change it, when you install a new version of Euphoria. How to Uninstall Euphoria 1. If you wish to recover your previous version of Euphoria, or parts of it, the "backup" subdirectory contains a backup copy of each of your previous standard Euphoria subdirectories, plus any files that you may have added. However it does not contain any additional subdirectories that you may have created on your own. 2. If there are no files that you need, you can delete the EUPHORIA directory that you installed into. 3. Delete the EUDIR environment variable, and remove the EUPHORIA directory from your PATH, either in C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT, or in Control Panel/System/Advanced. 4. Delete the references to EUPHORIA in your Start Menu.