Getting Started
A chatroom is a sort of realtime message board where people can interact online.
To enter the euphoria chatroom:You can then read and send messages to everyone in the chatroom.
- Click on the "Enter the #euphoria java chatroom" link above
- Your nickname will initially default to EuAnon1 or EuAnon2.
You can choose a better nickname by typing a command like:
/nick mynickname
Incoming messages appear in the main window.
Outgoing messages are entered in the edit box at the bottom.
The column on the right contains the list of nicknames who are currently in the channel.
Channel operators are designated with an @ prefixed to their nickname ( @nickname ).
Their purpose is to provide technical support and moderation of conduct in the chatroom.
Rules of Conduct
- The chatroom is intended for Euphoria programmers to discuss Euphoria related topics.
Please keep the conversations on track.
- Poor conduct will not be tolerated.
This includes but is not limited to: swearing, personal attacks, spamming.
If poor conduct persists, the offending party will be banned from accessing the chatroom.
- Bots and clones are forbidden unless given explicit permission from a designated channel operator.
Chances are, if you ask, you will be allowed.
- Channel operators( @nickname ) have channel authority.
These people are available to moderate conduct, and provide technical support for the #euphoria chatroom.
Please respect their requests and feel free to ask questions.
- Enjoy yourself! :)
Obtaining Help
You may find an IRC Tutorial helpful for learning basic commands.
The java chat client, available through the link at the top of this page,
contains a HELP button, where you can find out more information about general use
of chatrooms and the java client.
Channel operators( @nickname ) are available to answer questions that you may have.
Generally, the operators are provided for #euphoria chatroom technical support,
but may also be able to help with other Euphoria related questions,
or direct you to other resources.